Project Management and Delivery Consulting

Are you a PMO, Head of Project Delivery or Project Manager frustrated by projects that are running late, over budget or not meeting your customer’s expectations due to:

Project Management and Delivery Consulting

The PROJECT Framework

  • Scope creep
  • Insufficient resources
  • Supply versus demand misalignment
  • Out of date plans
  • Project reporting not delivering the correct message
  • Out of date processes
  • Over-complicated governance
  • Or because the delivery framework is not fit-for-purpose?

This is where I can help.

Working through my project delivery framework – PROJECT – will help us understand your project delivery problems, so I can recommend areas of improvement, propose solutions, and support you through the necessary changes that will get your projects back on track.

We will focus on:

  • What is not working for you.
  • What needs to change.
  • What will help you sleep at night.
  • What one thing will make everything else easier and more successful.
  • Who your biggest supporter and champion is.

Why Work With Me?

Project Management and Delivery ConsultingI am an independent project management consultant providing expert advice to clients based on my wealth of experience and knowledge in project management and delivery of projects and PMO.

My consultancy leads to you being able to make better decisions on the processes, governance, resourcing, financing of projects, in order to meet the customer requirements and your own targets.

By identify your priorities and key pain points and by understanding your culture and targets, I customise recommendations that will lead to your project success.

We will also identify and acknowledge areas of strength and success to build upon and create a positive, encouraging, collaborative environment for even more success, improved quality of delivery and highly skilled resources.

About Me

Project Management and Delivery ConsultingMy experience of 30 years of project management and delivery and PMO comes from working in multiple industries and sectors, for consultancies and end-user. The technical and business departments have had budgets exceeding £60mil with the project budgets over £11mil. This has equipped me with the knowledge and achievements to identify and provide solutions for successful project and PMO management and delivery.

Combining my two passions, consulting and coaching, I have an excellent understanding of how important it is to listen to you, build a confident, trusting relationship, enabling honest conversations about what your desired outcomes are.

I take into consideration what working in high demanding, pressured environments are like, the need for successful delivery focused teams; having the right people with the right skills at the right time for delivery, the challenges faced to meet customer demands.

My Services:

Project Management and Delivery Consulting

The solutions I recommend and support you with are bespoke to your organisation and identified by working through my PROJECT framework:

P)roblems – By listening to you and key stakeholders I identify your main problems.
Through a process of prioritization, a schedule of action is created to focus on the top priorities while storing the others in a Problem Bucket which will be reviewed at set times.

R)esources – Will look at your resource demands and capacity, taking the required and available skills into consideration, onboarding and training processes.
It also considers the understanding of hardware and software requirements and the procurement process.

O)bjectives – This is the heart of Project Delivery. It will look at the project delivery and PMO processes, frameworks, methodology.
These need to be well-formed, viable, scalable and fit-for purpose. If they’re not let’s sort them out so that everyone knows how to do what they are scheduled to do.

J)ourney – Every project is like a journey. It has a start point and an end-point. The journey requires a map to get to the end.
How confident are you in your project schedule? This can be as complicated or as simple as you like, containing the information, milestones, critical tasks giving you confidence the project will be delivered on time.
Milestone reviews and stage gates will ensure only the relevant and benefit achieving projects are worked on freeing up resources and costs.

Project Management and Delivery Consulting

E)xpectations – Customers, Senior Managers, Boardrooms all have expectations on you.
Making sure these are clearly recorded, and agreed, there is a clear understand of what the priorities of delivery are. Are these expectations managed?
Is change properly managed? No – less get you back in control and managing stakeholders’ expectations.

C)ommunications – Let’s Talk. Collaboration is key. With clear, specific communication stakeholders will know what is happening on the projects and what to expect.
Having an agreed communication plan, project teams know what information is required when, in what format, and contain what information.
The PMO is key to producing the governance reducing rework, over kill, or just not enough project information.

T)eams – How united are the teams, do they share common objectives, and have agreed behaviours? Will they support each other when an issue evolves? Do they understand the team and department targets?
Projects need to align with the department targets and strategy. Do the cost of the projects out-way the benefits? What is stopping you focusing on the relevant, must have projects. Let’s get to the bottom of this and create a delivery, winning environment.

Project Management and Delivery Consulting

The PROJECT Framework

My Approach

I have a 3-stage approach with you in control of how fast you want to resolve the project problems.

Stage 1 is Project Review and Recommendation consultation which focuses on the different elements of the PROJECT framework.

Stage 2 Project Resolution is where I work with you to delivering your preferred recommended option to resolve problems, build on strengths, develop resources.

Stage 3 is all about supporting you to continue to produce successful projects and have skilled delivery resources.

Find Out More …

Stage 1

Project Review and Recommendations:

We will look at your project management and delivery and the PMO to identify delivery problems and strengths before recommending bespoke resolution options. Together we will review the findings and resolution options before you select the best option for Stage 2.

Stage 2

Project Resolution:

The Project Resolution stage focuses on creating and implementing bespoke solutions for your top priorities of the PROJECT framework. My skills and experience are shared with you as we work together designing and implementing solutions that align with your business needs, way-of-working, and culture. On completion of this stage, we will review the results and determine if stage 3 – ongoing support is required.

Stage 3

Ongoing Support:

Once the resolution has implemented, I will support you in embedding it into new projects and resources. This will provide you with a constant standard and quality of delivery and skilled resource pool.


What My Clients Say

I am delighted to be writing a testimonial for Alison Laughlin on her remarkable approach to leadership and outstanding Portfolio, Programme, Project Management Office (PMO) skills.

Alison and I worked closely together at NHS Digital, where she headed up the PMO. During our time together, Alison displayed great talents in the PMO field, leading not just by delegation but by modelling what good looked like.

Alison has a very good understanding of people, using that to her advantage with stakeholder management.

Having worked with quite a few managers in my career journey, Alison is one of whom has left a good impression with me, adapting her exemplary approach to people management and leadership.

I am confident that whatever Alison sets out to do, she will do it with integrity and will give her all into seeing positive results.

Alison would be an asset to have on side and will help bring about undeniable growth in any organisation she works with, including the individual people she comes in contact with.

– Kemi Oluabey PMO, Project Manager