How Conquering Mud Can Help Achieve Challenges At Work

How Conquering Mud Can Help Achieve Challenges At WorkI love this time of year. The colour of the leaves in autumn are stunning, rich, vibrate, warming, full of variety. The air is crisp and refreshing. I love to go for walks and take in the beauty.

However, there is 1 little problem – MUD! I don’t know about you, but I am not a fan of mud. It’s sticky, dirty, slippy, gets everywhere, and seems to be everywhere!
We have had a lot of rain this year. Someone told me, the most rain in October for 20 years. I was out walking last week, along a coastal path. All kitted out wearing walking boots with good grips, when I turned a corner and there is was. MUD! All over the footpath. I had a couple of options:

  1. Turn back – but I really wanted to get to the end of my walk
  2. Try walking at the very edge and the limited vegetation – which looked very slippy and not much of it
  3. Just walk through it – carefully. That’s what boots are made for!

I went for option 3 – just walk through it. My desire to get to the end of the walk was really strong, it was high priority. I was also wearing walking boots that were designed for mud, I had the correct resources. I also decided to look upon the mud as a challenge which I was going to conquering, get a sense of achievement. I have had to face walking through mud before and was successful so I knew I could do it.

The same principles can be applied to a task you have to perform at work that you don’t want to do or think you can’t do. For e.g., completing year activities.

Ask yourself:

  • What are your priorities?
  • Do you have the relevant resources?
  • Have you done something similar before and if so, what can you learn from that experience?
  • How big a sense of achievement will you get when you complete the task?

Whatever you decide to do, reward yourself when you achieve it.

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Thank you for reading this blog – How Conquering Mud Can Help Achieve Challenges At Work. If you would like more information or to get in touch, please fill in the contact form.

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